İgnoring symptoms of cancer women

İgnoring symptoms of cancer women

Our body shows various reactions, paying attention to the symptoms of many diseases including cancer and early treatment for these symptoms not to miss the opportunity is in our hands...
lung cancer,swallowing,cancer
 İgnoring symptoms of cancer women (image 1)

1 - chronic cough or chest pain:
Bronchitis and cough can be a symptom of cancers such as lung tumors or leukemia. With lung cancer, some people would describe chest pain radiating to arms and shoulders.

2 - shortness of breath, or wheezing:
Difficulty breathing, tension, one of the first symptoms of lung cancer.

3 – difficulty in swallowing
Usually one of the first symptoms of lung cancer and may be associated with cancer of the throat or esophagus.

4 - Frequent infections or fire:
These symptoms may be a sign of leukemia. this disease weakens the body's ability to fight infections.

5 - non-stop bleeding, or easy bruising:
In this case, is an indication of an abnormality in the red blood cells, and may be a symptom of leukemia.

6 - the armpits, neck or groin lymph nodes or swollen lymph nodes:
Changes in the lymphatic system, cancer can be a symptom.

7 - weight gain or bloating in the abdomen:
Most women with ovarian cancer in the belly of long-term swelling is seen.

8 - Weakness:
This may be a sign of most cancers. If you are tired for no reason, talk to your doctor.

9 - pain in the abdomen or pelvis around:
Cramping and pain in the abdomen or pelvis, ovarian cancer can be a sign of. Abdominal pain is seen in patients with leukemia.

10 - inability to eat Food, feel satiated:
These issues are a sign of ovarian cancer. Women with ovarian cancer for a long time, they can't even eat when it runs out of nutrients, there is a poor appetite.

11 - sudden weight loss:
Weight loss may be early signs of cancer such as colon cancer digestive. Because it affects the ability to get rid of body waste, it could be a symptom of liver cancer.

12 - blood in the stool, and rectal bleeding:
These aren't complaints, it is a symptom of bowel cancer. If you saw blood in the toilet, you should definitely see a doctor.
13 - swollen, painful and red-breasts:
Unknown if you have changes in your breasts, call your doctor right away; because they are a symptom of breast cancer.

14 - abdominal pain or stomach upset:
Corruption or the stomach often stomach cramps, is one of the signs of bowel cancer.
lung cancer,swallowing,cancer
 İgnoring symptoms of cancer women (image 2)

15 - painful or bleeding between menstrual periods, heavy menstrual periods:
Many people these complaints as a symptom of uterine or endometrial cancer is reported. If your menstrual periods are heavier than normal, ask for a transvaginal ultrasound.

16 - nipple changes:
Returning inside, smoothing or sideways rotating nipples, may be a symptom of breast cancer.

17 - the skin easily bleed, scab and heal a tuber that doesn't:
All of them, may indicate skin cancer. In your body, strange-looking spots you should check whether or tubers.

18 - a swollen face:
Redness in the face, puffiness or swelling, is common in patients with lung cancer. Blood is prevented from flowing down from his head and face.

19 - on the lower right side of the body or pain in the back:
Most people with this complaint suffers from liver cancer. They can be a sign of breast cancer.

20 - changes in the nails

Strange changes in your fingernails, can be a symptom of several types of cancer. Black or brown under the nail a line or a point, is a sign of skin cancer. If your nails are white or pale, liver cancer, may be subject to.

Ice Bucket Challenge donations it worked!

Ice Bucket Challenge donations it worked!

Raising money for ALS disease that is performed for the purpose of the ice bucket challenge, scientists have provided access to new knowledge about the disease.
ıce bucket challenge,als,als cause
Ice Bucket Challenge donations it worked (image 1)

ALS, i.e. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis affects the nerve cells in the brain in the name of the deadly disease. Disease gene has allowed the RNA to the growing research donations. Name the genes that cause the disease is most common among the NEK1 gene.

David Beckham, Will Smith and many celebrities in ice bucket challenge Lewis Hamilton ice water poured from a bucket above the people in his video and share, and then donated the money. The campaign so far $ 100 million collected. This also was quite effective in finding the genes that cause ALS researchers.
ıce bucket challenge,als,als cause
Ice Bucket Challenge donations it worked (image 2)

Motor neuron disease, which is defined as disease, affects the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. A cure for the disease yet have not been found yet.

Drownings in the emergency response should be what?

Drownings in the emergency response should be what?

Dr. Koray Akay, drowning, responded to questions such as how emergency response should be:

With the arrival of summer, a lot of people cooling off for the purpose of sea, lake, river, creek, or a pool to benefit from. Therefore, among the most common cases include personal injury death or drowning in the water. In the water the majority of drownings taking place as a result of an accident. Also, unfortunately, the vast majority of people who died is happening to those under the age of 20. Dr. Koray Akay, drowning, responded to questions such as how emergency response should be:
drownings,drowning of types,drowning dry
Drownings in the emergency response should be what (image 1)
Drowning? What is the main reason that there will be casualties?

Drowning in the water stages are as follows;
- In a state of confusion and panic when the person consciously keeps your breath goes down into the water on the surface of the water and takes a deep breath.
- Under water with the breathing reflex in the trachea are kept.
- The carbon dioxide level in the blood rises and the water enters the lungs and the person takes a deep breath.
- Consciousness disappears, when breathing stops, death occurs.

Can someone who knows swimming to be drowned? If no other reason can we live drowning?

Water drownings are primarily non-swimmers, the depth you'll want to cool off in the water they don't know the base structure. However, the swimming connoisseurs discharge, the slime in the bottom of the ground, trauma, cramping, Alcohol, drug use, risk in water activities, syncope, epilepsy, heart diseases and water sports can be for reasons such as accidents, drowned in the water.

Or we should follow them closely especially with our children must be in the water. Panic because they are more quickly, while making a joke can be harmed. In the pool environment or the next, or we need to do close observation. Pond accessories, machines and their gaps in recycling pool, creates a problem.

At the time of drowning, what should we do?

We can evaluate 2 types of drowning.
1-drowning Dry; there is water in the lungs, or there are very few. In these patients, is a spasm of the larynx, in the lungs, no water, no oxygen can get in.
2 - choking swallow of water; for this reason the majority of drownings. The amount of water that builds up in the lungs, the type and temperature is a factor in respiratory arrest.
Even though you know the person drowning in the water an first life jackets, life ring, rope, such as an object that floats in water we should. If you can't save us if we are training for the swim can be dangerous in this regard. The person drowning, floundering in a state of panic because he could hurt us, could cause us only to drown.
-The person who was in danger of drowning when removed from the water, in your mouth if you have dentures, or false teeth, foreign bodies, such as vomit, cleaned, should be taken on a hard flor.
drownings,drowning of types,drowning dry
Drownings in the emergency response should be what (image 2)

Laid-back, under the neck and jaw should be removed and folded clothes, etc.should be

-The person's forehead when a hand lands on the nose with the thumb and index fingers of the same hand closed, and the mouth should be opened with the other hand

-Savior of a normal breath takes in the injured person's mouth, places it in your mouth, exhale the casualty's chest to rise enough for savior, 2, are given time to come back out of the air.

-To apply cardiac compression of the sternum can be identified after upper and lower the bottom half into the flight the heel of one hand is placed is placed over the hand and the other hand clamped hands

-The fingers of that hand without being in contact with the chest, without bending the elbows, and on his chest perpendicular to the body, and 5 cm on his chest. will come down until 30 chest compression is performed. We need to do to be 100 per minute pressure.

-This app gets injured in the form of 30/2 until delivered or until the ambulance arrives to the hospital we must be in place.

Freshwater drowning victims-there is no difference in saltwater?

Yes. Death takes place in 3-4 minutes in fresh water. Air sacs in the lungs and prevents oxygenation of the blood fell and the blood again passes into circulation oxygenation. The density of fresh water is low because it is absorbed by the veins, and explodes red blood cells, blood volume increases, and heart failure will cause you to fall into.

The blood to carry oxygen to the tissues is broken. Death takes place in about 5-6 minutes in salted water. Swallowed, the veins of water from the alveoli to the blood sodium chloride to the amount of dollars. That cannot  as a result of tissue death occurs.

What is secondary drowning?

Patients should be monitored for 72 hours after it has recovered. Called secondary drowning may happen. This is mostly dangerous for infants or children. Over time the chemicals in the water especially pool water remaining in the lungs the lungs can cause suffocation and by disrupting the structure of the obstacles to carrying out its duties.

If the child has difficulty in breathing, intense coughing, fatigue, sleep, dizziness, if you notice we need to get a physician. In the same way microbial structure of water ingested algae, etc. infection or airway obstruction may cause the particles over time

Turkey became light

Turkey became light

A blind eye due to an accident in Turkey the Russian national youth work was opened. Agayev Azad 26-year-old who lost his sight in his right eye from the previous day's coming, underwent surgery in a private hospital in Turkey. A patient who lost his sight in one eye, patient acceptance of the international agreement within the framework of a surgeon who specializes in diseases of the eye, to make Emin Erişir that  headed by the team with the operation of the light.
blind,cornea transplant,foreign patients
Turkey became light (image 1)

"Our patients expect a lot of tissue, which is required for organ transplant. We requested a match within 1 week from the United States that are found in the cornea tissue and organs. Eye cornea transplant operations for our patients by entering into the order of the bank at home in the organ to be supplied. Eye banks abroad for foreign patients who come for treatment to our country is being referenced in" the surgeon, who, is a special operation that Erişir made very critical and in surgery by providing young people see success again, he said.

Turkey became light

Light to reach 4 thousand miles the way the young man, came to İstanbul from the city of Ashgabat in Turkmenistan. The surgery would not have Garayev flying on the first flight to land, I just checked and to pass the tests will come again. The patient did not see his right eye, indicating that the operation is a special operation specialist Dr. very critical and Erişir  had been released after being held under guard in hospital 1 night after surgery Garayev pointed out.

Cornea from the United States brought to the successful transfer of accident and injury as a result of impaired functions of the losers I was hoping for. Exp. Dr. Emin Erişir, situated at the front of the human eye, the cornea is a transparent tissue which have the property that cracking and high foreign patients in the transplantation of the cornea of the procedure failure to install local regulation that has been implemented by the Ministry of Health said.
blind,cornea transplant,foreign patients
Turkey became light (image 2)

The patient and the tourists

Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and the Ministry of health treatment with the help of patients from countries like Germany are taken immediately.

The international quality certificate "JCI" that owns almost all units and branches of the institution with the quality of these certified. Admission services are started from abroad, noting that Dr. Turgut Göksoy, "world population growth, improvements in quality of life in various countries due to the increase in health care costs, treatments are more affordable and providing quality service in countries is done. 'Health tourism' sector thus appeared," he explained..

A translator is assigned to private

Prof. Göksoy; "our country is ranked among the countries most sick from abroad. Now Turkey is important in terms of treatment possibilities for patients of different nationalities it was an address. In recent years, including a large number of patients for treatment in dental and eye surgery and cardiovascular surgery is coming to our country. For the treatment of patients from abroad, but a sort of 'medical visa' function for which the quality certificate is required. Foreign patients for treatment in private hospitals in Turkey quality certification requirement. With a mission to set a standard of quality in patient treatment and care which has given JCI certificate, the hospital is able to accept patients from abroad within the framework of this document," he said.

Patients who came to our country for health tourism within the framework of the agreement, a special translator is assigned to it. As soon as you land from the airport and all the operations being done. In all these processes, both as a patient and it comes to both tourists be met.

A practical solution to the problem of urinary incontinence

A practical solution to the problem of urinary incontinence

Technique of Genital Beautification “urinary incontinence”, a practical solution to the problem can be provided. Dr. Bülent Cihantimur specialist surgeon aesthetic plastic and Reconstructive Surgery international Golden scalpel Award for beautification technique developed in the past year and told me that the problem can be solved in genital of urinary incontinence:” urinary incontinence, a case that is seen in 30 percent of women over the age of 40 each, and are extremely uncomfortable with this situation.
urinary,urinary incontinence,urinary incontinence disease
A practical solution to the problem of urinary incontinence (image 1)

Urinary incontinence is literally turned their lives upside down, but scrambling to manage to avoid it. Continuous use a pad that doesn't mind the weather, such as carrying spare underwear with them they're experiencing a life uncomfortable. In fact, there's really no need to manage, we are able to analyze the problem using fat injection, and an extremely simple application”.

Urinary incontinence?

“The bladder is filled with urine through the kidneys. Filling when a signal reaches our brain through the nerves to the muscles and briefly actually “the bands of connective tissue and the urine hold” command. We go to the bathroom, sends a signal back to the brain, “relax and drop” gives the command this time. The muscles that help hold urine in the bladder, the urine has to miss a function that allows to drain urine. However, advancing age causes a weakening of the tissue in this area Nov. If in your past uncontrolled vaginal delivery, High baby stories like overweight, if available also in this area it is also possible that the deformation of the muscles and fatty tissue.

In short, if you have problems with urinary incontinence, collagen tap that is not robust in the region, support is at the bottom of the tissues of the urinary bladder relaxation that we observe. Today, in our country, women who had a vaginal birth 80% of problems arise, such as vaginal weakening and distortion of the anatomy of the pelvic floor muscles. For this reason, depending on the size of the problem from the urinary tract, involuntary hijacking in the region in two different ways we do” in the expression Cihantimur, urinary retention, and making it function and how is explained why the emergence of urinary incontinence.
urinary,urinary incontinence,urinary incontinence disease
A practical solution to the problem of urinary incontinence (image 2)

Cihantimur Fat Injection To The Problem Of Urinary Incontinence

For describing the solution of the problem of urinary incontinence the first oil injection Cihantimur: “quite simply, without distress to the patient during the healing process fat injection is applied to patients who have deformity in the implementation of sting very much. Prepared from the patient's own fat rich in stem cells that we have made with there are many advantages of oil injection.

Urinary incontinence is involuntary when the problem is resolved, the frayed replenished collagen tissue, the tissue support at the bottom of the urinary bladder solidify, the healing process of stem cells, with a very quick recovery, provided the addition of a foreign body from the patient's own tissue is used to form zone win, thrive,” he said.

Surgical Intervention To The Problem Of Urinary Incontinence

“Urinary incontinence in patients with advanced and serious damage has occurred in the anatomy of the region, is intended to give the form of the surgical area,” said Cihantimur, she continued: “all deformed and tissues are repaired and urine involuntary action Nov that make hanging up, falling water, salts, and focuses on all the tissues of the printing form”.

The benefits of lemon water and honey

The benefits of lemon water and honey

Sometimes in the hustle of daily life, the sake of healthy eating and fitness routines can be challenging. It's not time, but those who want to protect the health drink honey and lemon juice to start the day.
lemon water,honey,benefits
The benefits of lemon water and honey (image 1)

Honey and lemon juice how to?

Add the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey and stir. Eat for breakfast.

1. Is good for your skin
Fixes the flaws of that nature in the skin honey and lemon juice mixture. The vitamin C in lemons is a necessary component for the body to produce collagen. Honey has the necessary components to moisturize the skin internally.

2. Is aid digestion
Bloating, gas, digestive problems such as constipation for some, periodic for others are due to chronic health problems. And affects the quality of a person's life. Daily consumption of honey and lemon juice is helpful for digestive system: Lemon is rich in pectin and are active in the work of the intestines. Thus, the process of digestion enables you to move more efficiently.

3. Is beneficial to heart health
Heart diseases are one of the greatest threats to human health. Honey and lemon juice will help prevent the possibility of having serious problems with. Honey lemon is also rich in potassium. Thus, the formation of which is a risk factor for heart attack blood pressure level will be balanced.

4. Allows you to lose weight
It can be difficult to get rid of excess weight settled. If you want to lose weight in a natural way, this might be the best chance to drink there. Rich in water and fiber, citrus will cut your appetite. The citric acids in lemons also the body produce energy from food and is important in the Krebs cycle which refers to the process makes it more effective.

5. Reduces the risk of chronic diseases
In recent years, with the rate of the body's acid done a lot of research to investigate the links between the development of chronic diseases. This heart diseases and diabetes mellitus, but also the problems of bread, and even cancer in a few type. Lemon lowers the pH value of the body, and allows the production of more alkaline. Even though the lemon itself is acidic food, high in mineral rate is useful against acidity in the body.
lemon water,honey,benefits
The benefits of lemon water and honey (image 2)

6. Strengthens the immune system
Less sleep, stress, an unhealthy diet can easily destroy the immune system. If you consume vitamin C in lemons and lemon juice honey and honey by numerous immune-enhancing minerals, bacteria, viruses and germs to fight against support. Also germ honey is natural anti-property that has a food.

7. Reduces the risk of urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infections are extremely difficult and serious is very dangerous. Especially for women, this can turn into a chronic problem. With natural antibacterial properties in honey and lemon juice with regular use, offers a solution. Lemon simplifying the formation of bacteria in the urinary tract will complicate the urine.

8. Purifies the body

The air we breathe, we are exposed to chemical toxins in the food and drinks we consume. Our body has a natural defense against them if it would be a good idea to consume foods that will help to defend this.
