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In children, fatigue is a symptom of which diseases?
fatigue symptom in children,weakness and fatigue,fatigue disease
In children, fatigue is a symptom of which diseases? (image 1)
In children, fatigue is a symptom of which diseases?

Depending on the problem a lot of children weakness can be seen. Iron deficiency may occur as intestinal parasites or food problems arising from weakness, sleep apnea syndrome, nasal problems, or depending on can be seen.

Malinte of fatigue that can occur due to leukemia and you need to evaluate the problem alone. Pediatric expert Dr. Emre Cenesiz gave information about illnesses that have symptoms of fatigue.

Intestinal parasites

Intestinal parasites are very common especially during the summer months. Good unwashed fruits and vegetables. Spittle from the mouth general symptoms, rectal itching, fatigue, loss of appetite, and the smell of the mouth. The treatment of intestinal parasites can be diagnosed with a simple test that can be easily carried out, but early treatment may affect the development of children.

Since it is a disease that can recur for intestinal parasites can be treated but sometimes, parents must be very careful.

Anemia and blood disorders

Many things can lead to iron deficiency anemia in children. The most common cause of anemia in children iron deficiency anemia. Growth and development-age children with iron deficiency you have to be very careful. Within days, weakness, fatigue, anemia should be investigated especially if you have attention disorder. The number of red blood cells that contain iron in iron-deficiency should not be reduced.

Red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues and hence the main duty of the energy supply. The blood cells are low, when oxygen which is carried to the tissues also will be reduced because the child remains sluggish. However, if untreated, can affect mental functions. Mental and motor iron deficiency in those with (mental and motion) helps lower developmental scores, lack of attention is more common. First child at the end of the sixth month in the rugged pursuit of full blood count, Iron levels can be diagnosed at.

You need to repeat once a year. A blood count should be performed at regular intervals for early detection of iron deficiency. Prematurity and low birth weight babies in a baby 4-6 months if you were born in time 6-The 9th month in a complete blood count should be performed.

Your doctor may suggest that the test would be repeated over time if necessary. If anemia is detected, Iron therapy should be initiated. Weight the appropriate dose for children who are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia iron-containing medications must begin, and should be regulated in the diet.

The drug should be taken on an empty stomach for better absorption of iron and vitamin C-rich foods should be consumed in abundance. Increasing red blood cells, 1 month, and 2 months to the expiration of 3 months treatment should continue for a total of iron stores and blood count should be controlled by at the end of treatment.
Iron staining and color changes in stool can be seen in the teeth due to treatment, although this situation is temporary. If you have symptoms of anemia, malignancies, leukemia, anemia, the importance of the less common causes should be investigated.
fatigue symptom in children,weakness and fatigue,fatigue disease
In children, fatigue is a symptom of which diseases? (image 2)
Adenoids Sleep Apnea syndrome

In children, adenoids can cause a number of problems. Adenoids of the nose, causing the closure to be the greatest of the rear holes. Due to adenoids, the nose being closed as a result of the child sleeping with his mouth open, snoring, and sleep for a short period of breathing (Sleep Apnea) can develop.

The child who couldn't sleep during the day and the night is getting sluggish. Quality night he couldn't sleep because his nose is clogged child's success at school can be affected adversely.
