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What is umbilical cord prolapse in pregnancy?
What is umbilical cord prolapse in pregnancy?
What is umbilical cord prolapse in pregnancy,umbilical cord prolapse,umbilical cord prolapse definition
What is umbilical cord prolapse in pregnancy? (image 1)

Cord prolapse, the umbilical cord prolapse into the vagina during the birth of the baby. The status of the Mother during the birth of cord prolapse is likely to encounter is one of the most urgent situations. When the amniotic membrane was opened and the water when he came to, the baby without entering the birth canal, the umbilical cord will slide through the cervix into the vagina. Prolapse of the cord after the baby enters the birth Canal, when the subject of cord compression. In this case it could endanger the baby's life. During the birth, umbilical cord prolapse is an extremely rare condition. Pregnancy the percent of mothers who live in 1% of cord prolapse is seen in one seen.

What are the risk factors that may cause cord to prolapse?

Cord prolapse is most commonly seen due to the position of arrivals during the birth of the baby. For example, among the most important causes of cord prolapse the baby through the birth Canal into reverse. Premature birth or the baby is smaller than normal in cases where there is umbilical cord prolapse can be seen. The cord is longer than normal, or to be a lot of amniotic fluid, are among the risk factors that may cause cord to prolapse.

In several cases, during the stage of the SAC were opened by the doctor after water birth, cord prolapse may experience. This situation is observed at a position that is above the baby's head more and more. Another factor that causes cord prolapse multiple pregnancy mothers who live. Multiple pregnancies are more at risk of the babies entering the birth Canal opposite. For this reason, they are more common cord prolapse. For this reason, the moment the water came in the living Mother of multiple pregnancy, you should inform your physician immediately.
What is umbilical cord prolapse in pregnancy,umbilical cord prolapse,umbilical cord prolapse definition
What is umbilical cord prolapse in pregnancy? (image 2)

Emergency response in the event of a cord prolapse

Cord prolapse, the cord can be felt by hand during the examination or be seen with naked eye from the outside of the vagina can be diagnosed. In women, umbilical cord prolapse is detected as soon as an emergency to act as necessary. The position of a mother for normal birth if the baby is born.

If it continues, heart rate, emergency C-section. A caesarean section before you begin the cord is pushed back. To avoid pinching of the cord or hand compresses the gas through is provided. The operation table should be kept above the foot portion as may be possible for the baby required intensive care and the necessary precautions should be taken.
