Results for "sjogren's syndrome test"
Threatens women with Sjogren's syndrome
Threatens women with Sjogren's syndrome,sjogren's syndrome diagnosis,sjogren's syndrome cause
Threatens women with Sjogren's syndrome (image 1)
Threatens women with Sjogren's syndrome

Dryness in your mouth, feel thirsty if you complain too much, in your eyes, redness, burning, itching, “I feel like it's like there's sand in my eyes” If you say where you live, these problems are common among women, although it's not known in the community name, “which may be a sign of Sjogren's syndrome!

The glands of external secretion, especially of the tear and salivary glands inflammation that occurs with “autoimmune” is located in a group of diseases, Sjogren's syndrome, is a serious threat to women in the 30-40 years especially. The late diagnosis of the disease, eye, nervous system, or systems can cause damage to other organs such as lungs.

To diagnose Sjogren's syndrome because it is not well-known amongst the community of Rheumatology and internal medicine specialist Dr. Mehmet said it was too late that Lineage gives the following information:

It feels like there’s sand in the eyes

Among the people in a ‘dry mouth’ that first comes to mind at the mention of the disease moreover diabetes. Also many medications, including antidepressants also include dry mouth. However, another very important disease of inflammation in the salivary glands a dry mouth may be the cause of more. Tear glands salivary gland which holds also outside this disease, “Sjogren's syndrome” is known as. The main complaint of patients drinking a lot of water dryness and felt like there was sand in eyes and mouth dryness and is sinking.

Secretory glands inflammation occurs

In this disease, we don't know for reasons generated by the immune system is an inflammation of the glands of external secretion. This primarily salivary and lacrimal glands, including the glands of external secretion a result of inflammation loss of function develops over time in many. This disease can be alone, particularly as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus (SLE) and other autoimmune diseases may be accompanied by.

There is a risk of mixed with mumps

In these patients, primarily target the glands of external secretion. Salivary glands, lacrimal glands, sweat glands, the glands of external secretion of the genital organs, the external secretion of the pancreas developing in places such as the Department of the disruptions a result of inflammation of the gland in the role there begins. Primarily salivary and lacrimal glands in patients a decrease in the secretion of saliva and tears due to the inability and as a result dry mouth; stinging eyes-a feeling of dryness occurs. Called the parotid gland, located in front of the ear, intermittent swelling and pain of the major salivary glands occurs. During this period, the patient is confused with physician the medical history of mumps disease if not the best. Childhood mumps is a virus that is usually passed in. Mumps in adult if recurrent swelling in front of the ear, like if you have Sjogren's syndrome should come to mind.

May lead to the death of a baby in pregnancy

In the course of Sjogren's syndrome swelling pain in the joints; various skin rashes, lung involvement, kidney stone formation and kidney calcification (Nephrocalcinosis) may develop additional problems such as. A decrease in blood cells and also affect the bone marrow (anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia) may result. Recurrent decay due to dry mouth and be out early in May. Because of dry eyes, over the years, called the sclera, there may be corrosion in the front layer of the eye. Neuropathy by stimulating the nerve endings.If pregnancy happens in some cases, may cause heart problems in an unborn baby by causing the baby to death. For this reason, patients with Sjogren's syndrome-specific follow-ups are required.
Threatens women with Sjogren's syndrome,sjogren's syndrome diagnosis,sjogren's syndrome cause
Threatens women with Sjogren's syndrome (image 2)
İncreases susceptibility to lymphoma

This disease does not produce symptoms. However, some of the blood cells known as B lymphocytes in the course of this disease increased susceptibility to cancer originating from the lymph. For that reason, they undergo periodic cancer screening of Sjogren's syndrome the problem of living and follow-up must undergo.


First, an accurate history taking is essential. Every patient with a dry mouth from this perspective should be questioned. Dry eye complaints may not be dominant; and necessarily the eye examination should also be performed. Some blood tests also are referred to as (RF, FAN anti-SSA (Ro) Anti-SSB (La), etc.). If necessary, a biopsy of the salivary gland is done. This biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure with the lower lip is made from. Also for a more objective assessment of dry mouth and saliva measurement of schirmer test for dryness of the eye can be performed. In terms of other diseases that might be with him should be examined.


This disease is not eliminated from the body. Some drugs may suppress reactions to the damages caused the disease. To be dry the patient's environment, long-term and make a left at dusty computer-it is preferable that you avoid smoky environments. Dental health should pay attention to oral hygiene; intermittent must go to a dentist. Drink plenty of water. Juicy should opt for soft foods.


Yogurt, mayonnaise, and foods with sauces can be swallowed more easily and they can be soaked and softened. Also liquid foods rather than dry food may be preferred. Orange, yellow, and red colored fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants green to the Suppression of inflammation in the body can help. Canola oil and corn oil omega-6 can increase inflammation as they are rich. Inflammation can increase insulin secretion via products commonly used in corn syrup Packed sweet again. Alcohol and coffee also can increase the dryness of the mouth. Sweets and sugars can accelerate tooth decay. In medicine artificial tears; systemic effects known as for malaria pills, containing different drugs and recreational drugs we make use of hydroxychloroquine according to the situation. As a result, in cases where it is not mouth and dry eyes Sjogren's syndrome and to explain why we take seriously in terms of the benefit of the investigation.


Severe dryness of the mouth
Chewing, swallowing and speaking difficulty
Depending on the dryness in the eyes, redness, burning, itching, extreme sensitivity to light
Fatigue and joint pain
Such as sensitivity to cold cold and bleaching on color changes and bruising your toes
A dry cough and tickle in the throat
Swelling of the salivary glands, impairment in taste and smell sensation
Nose, skin, and dryness in female genital organs
