Results for "lower cholesterol medication"
In the world of Science new research: to lower cholesterol in the elderly is a pointless effort!
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In the world of Science new research: to lower cholesterol in the elderly is a pointless effort!
At the end of the international study of scientists “that doesn't cholesterol cause heart disease” and therefore “is like trying to reduce bad cholesterol pills just a waste of time with the station,” the conclusion reached.
In an article published in the British Medical Journal claims to deaths from heart and blood vessel disease after the age of 60 as a result of a scientific study that explores the link between cholesterol was reached. The leading causes of death of 70 thousand people over the age of 60 in the study which examined data on cholesterol, bad cholesterol level, the ones high percent of 92% determined that it continued to live for a long time.
These scientists argued that they should be revised after the results of Health guidelines for patients with high cholesterol.
lower cholesterol,lower cholesterol medication
lower cholesterol (image 2)
The new research was met with skepticism by some scientists. High cholesterol, smoking, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity, which leads to your head, obstructing the arteries hardening of the arteries and obstruction of statins pointed out that scientifically proven.

In contrast, the research leader from the University of Ireland, Sheriff of Prof. Sultan, “Cholesterol is one of the most vital molecules in the body. To be caught infection, cancer, pain and other problems, it is good for old age, Nov. To lower cholesterol in the elderly is a pointless effort,” he said.
