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How Painless implant treatment?

How Painless implant treatment?

What implant  is the treatment? What should be considered in implant treatment? In addition to being a cause of psychological and social problems of tooth loss on nutrition, stating that leads to digestive problems and speech disorders, oral and dental health professional Dt. Rahşan Atasoy Şentürk gave information about the implant.
painless implant,implant causes,implant treatment
How Painless implant treatment (image 1)

Implants to replace teeth lost for various reasons in order to help restore their function and aesthetics, which are made from titanium artificial tooth roots that are placed into the jawbone, although it said missing some teeth bonded to natural teeth or prostheses may be removed so that the bridge was completed by conventional methods such as a removable partial denture: implant-supported dentures can be made,” he said.

Does it have to be cut teeth while implant strong?

Cut teeth in implant applications and that robust needs to get hurt Şentürk, prosthetic restorations on implants are closest to natural teeth with images, highly aesthetic provided a solution explained.

Şentürk, “bones complete their development, over the age of 18, sufficient bone, the implant can be applied to everyone who had general health problems. Although rare, some people may have health problems that make it difficult for the implant to be made, but the preliminary assessment to be made by simple measures that can be taken with your specialist the operation can be performed in a comfortable manner,” he said.

Today, more than 30 years of clinical follow-up underlines that although she has made implants, oral hygiene and the implant patient, pay attention to use these implants for many years. Regular checkups and good oral hygiene extends the service time of the implant adequate.”

Painless implant can be done?

Implant surgery with local anesthesia can be done without any pain and discomfort, emphasizing that, Although the placement of a single dental implant Usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes when complicated cases, it may take longer and advanced surgical techniques,” he said.

The surface of the mandible and Implant to connect to each other biologically to wait for the most appropriate option explains that, Although during this time a temporary prosthesis or removable dentures with small changes that can use old stated.
painless implant,implant causes,implant treatment
How Painless implant treatment (image 2)

Overall, who is 2-3 months waiting time Dt. Rahşan Atasoy Şentürk, bone quality and bone quantity in the region of the implant while the implant is in place after the teeth on that could be said is very good. Şentürk, continued his speech:

“The absence of active inflammation and the presence of bone after the extraction of teeth, implant placement can provide Immediately available. It should be noted that the External Width is reduced by 40 percent after 1 year shoot from the bone first. Shooting to fill the cavity completely with the bone for a period of 3 months is required. It might buy 3 months of implant placement immediately after the shooting.”
