Results for "hordeolum antibiotic oral"
What Should Be Done in the hordeolum?

What Should Be Done in the hordeolum? ( image 1)
What Should Be Done in the hordeolum?
Hordeolum, is an infection of the follicles of the eyelashes on the eyelid. If you have a stye, you can:
*Eyelid with a wet cloth with hot water apply the compress.
*After applying a hot towel compress, and fat in the bottom of the eyelashes in the eyelid, inflammation to remove with a towel dampened with clean warm water and a few drops of baby shampoo.
*After this process, rinse and dry your eyes and eyelids with warm water by gently tapping dry with a towel.
*There are creams or drops if recommended by your doctor, follow them.
What Should Be Done in the hordeolum? (image 2)
Also avoid eye makeup until the shallots. Makeup, bacteria may delay healing or cause allergies.
    The foresight protection for the face and hands should be clean and the quality of the cosmetic products that you use for your face or your eyes and pay attention to the cleanness. Do not use belongs to someone else makeup your own makeup to make use of.

What is hordeolum(Blepharitis)?

What is hordeolum(Blepharitis)?

hordeolum,hordeolum causes,oral antibiotic
What is hordeolum(Blepharitis)? ( İmage-1 )
Holdeolum, Latin name with Blepharitis, the eyelids is an inflammation in the follicles of the sebaceous glands and eyelashes seen in. On the eyelid, inflamed, itchy, red lesions are formed. Styes are often a chronic condition that is difficult to cure. However, although vision can result in a bad appearance does not cause problems.

Hordeolum symptoms;
Eyes watering,
The eyelids look oily
Redness in the eyes
Itching of the eyelids, redness and swelling
Glued lashes and strain in opening the eyes when he wakes up
Sensitivity to light
Uneven growth in Lashes
Eyelash loss

Causes Of holdeolum
Seborrheic dermatitis
Bacterial infection
Problems in the sebaceous glands in the eyelashes
Eye medicines, makeup, lens solutions, eye allergy to the things that are in contact with
Eyelash mites or bit
Strong acne medicine, which is the gel like isotrex of the eyelids the side effects of medications may cause an increase in bacterial growth after.
hordeolum,hordeolum causes,antibiotic
What is hordeolum (Blepharitis) ? ( image-2 )
Hordeolum Treatment
Are used to treat a hordeolum;

Antibiotics: antibiotics which are applied to the eyelids creams that contain effective in the control of the infection.
Steroid eye drops, ointment: eye drops or creams that contain Steroids, inflammation under control, are used.
Regular cleaning: often wiped with a warm cloth on the eyelids is effective in the control of the implementation of compression signs and symptoms.
The Artificial Tears. Artificial tears helps alleviate dry eye problem
Treatment of the underlying problem: seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, styes and other diseases with treatment of the underlying disease developing can be controlled.
Rarely goes away, and the front sight disappears. even if treatment is successful, the recurrence rate is very high.
