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Beware of those with herpes!

Beware of those with herpes!

What is herpes? What causes herpes? Dermatologist Dr. Nejat Ata Ertek gave important information about herpes. Can occur in any region of the body, but mostly on the outer surface at the edge of the lips and the nose that has emerged among the public, known as herpes lesions “herpes simplex” is a skin problem. Due to herpes virus, may be caused by small, red blisters. Lip herpes around the mouth or on the lips before stinging, symptoms such as burning occur.Other complaints within 24 hours to show itself begins ... Itching, or burning sensation like a whimper.
herpes,herpes causes,herpes virus
Beware of those with herpes (image 1)

Once the herpes virus enter the body after you create inflammation in that area the existing boundary node enters and settles. Then multiplying again by capturing moments of the body especially the weaker exist. Herpes virus, depression, stress, nightmares occur in cases such as. When the immune system becomes weak, women during their menstrual periods, the skin integrity is broken (when you multiply the circumference of the lip, hitting, biting, etc.), sleep disorders (such as sleep deprivation), when you're tired, and damaging UV rays when exposed to too much sunlight, an infection in the body occurs when the herpes virus to activate. Anemia also is quite common in this skin problem diseases.

The herpes virus is contagious. For this reason, people with herpes their personal stuff (glasses, cutlery, pillows, spoons, towels, etc.) they share with other people. Kiss and touch the area cold sore (cold sore touch, like to play with the shell..) stay away from. While doing makeup and makeup ladies with herpes they must be very careful when removing makeup or their implements, they must certainly lay a finger on herpes.
herpes,herpes causes,herpes virus
Beware of those with herpes (image 2)

The repetition of the situation which resulted in the treatment of herpes this virus is quite critical. For this reason, it should be invisible to a dermatologist for treatment.
