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Treatments For The Common Cold

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Treatments for the common cold (image 1)
Treatments For The Common Cold
Colds, the flu, autumn and winter of the dreaded problem. Almost everyone is forced once a year to combat colds and flu during this season. Natural cold and flu for a few recommendations that you can use to prepare as I wanted to talk about.
1.Gargle with garlic water: 6 pieces garlic mash and mix with warm water for three days, gargle with this mixture for 2 times a day. Germs antimicrobial property of garlic while they struggle with warm-hot water also provides relief in the throat.
2.Antipyretic Linden: colds, flu, infectious diseases such as the height of fever is common. Shoot height of Linden tea can be used as a natural remedy. Lime tea provides control of body temperature by stimulating the hypothalamus in the brain, while it also gives the impression that by expanding the blood vessels, stimulates sweating and a fever reducer. Linden tea, it is recommended to drink 3-4 times a day. High fever, because it can lead to serious health problems, especially for children with a fever of 39°C despite cold and fever relievers and let him get on Be careful not to contact the hospital in case of applications where fire does not fall.
3.Chocolate for cough: colds, flu, colds, you can eat dark chocolate for the cough which is a symptom of respiratory illnesses.  
treatments,common cold,patient
Treatments for the common cold (image 2)
Theobromine in chocolate is called” ingredient is beneficial in cough. Also for cough, “honey” also is an effective treatment. One or two teaspoon of honey before going to bed can suppress your cough.
You also colds, flu and other natural health problems if you have any suggestions, please share with us your comments and recipes with us in the comments section below.
