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Everything about colon cancer
colon cancer treatment,colon cancer symptoms,colon cancer surgery
Everything about colon cancer (image 1)
Everything about colon cancer
 Prof. Dr. Ömer Necip Aytuğ specialist in Gastroenterology, bowel cancer (colon cancer) gave information about. Malignant tumors of the large intestine colon cancer is the general name of Dr. Aytuğ who stated that, “the vast majority originate from cells in the lining layer of the large intestine (lung cancer)and into the intestine called polyps, with the majority growing, fungus-like formations that begins on the outside of the intestinal wall and grows rapidly and if it goes unnoticed or blood to other organs in the body, shortness of breath (lymph) or directly has the potential to spread through the neighborhood.

The most common metastasis (splash) detected organs including the liver, lung, peritoneum and lymph nodes environmental. Cancer originating from cells of the intestine and of lung cancer cases observed in the other available. mucin cancer called adeno the prevalence of a more aggressive cancer cells containing slimy formation in the case of tumor growth and treatment response, it has the characteristic to worse,” he said.

Who is at risk?

The majority of cases, indicating that 93 percent of over the age of 50 Prof. Dr. Aytug, “is seen with equal frequency in males and females. When men and women are evaluated together, the 3 of death from cancer. the order of cancer deaths in men 3. the order of cancer deaths in women 2. takes place during.

Much 30-35 per cent of cases the rectum (back passage closest part of the bowel), 25 percent for much of the sigmoid colon (located on the left side of the colon and rectum, descending part of the intestine), 40 percent seated left descending part of the intestine, 10-13 percent transfer partial bowel (the colon between the descending and horizontal portions coming out of the middle section), and 20-25 percent called ridiculous shots of the large intestine that connects the intestine to the descending intestine and its sequel the startup section which is located on the right side of the section.

All over the world including our country, the vast majority of cases while the left was more frequently observed in intestinal sections near the rectum, in women of black descent abroad, which is the initial part of the intestine on the right side (the shot to the gut) tend to be more common.

Uterine, ovarian or breast cancer with women, mothers, fathers, siblings immediate family members, such as those of bowel cancer or polyps in inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn's ) colon cancer in people who have had treatment is at risk. Colorectal cancer will develop in people who have specified risk factors does not mean that; it is just more likely than other students has increased. Therefore, more careful control of the disease and reduce your risk, if this occurs, early diagnosis and treatment should pay attention to,” he said.
colon cancer treatment,colon cancer symptoms,colon cancer surgery
Everything about colon cancer (image 2)

The population of microbes in the intestines of people with bowel cancer (intestinal flora) that may be a relationship between the intended, noting that Dr. ömer Necip Aytuğ, gave the following information:

The bacteria from the intestine in the intestine  acids and steroid substances in foods that trigger cancer in the structure of the substances (carcinogens)  speaks to you. Polyps or cancer in the colon cancer cells in a biopsy from the diseased tissue of patients with coliform bacteria( E. coli) are significantly higher in the control group, the incidence of individuals. Apart from these, in the family first-degree relatives of individuals with colon cancer from normal colon is 2-3 times more risk of developing Cancer Society.

Also be hereditary also as some diseases that increase the incidence of bowel polyps ( FAP-familial polyposis coli syndrome, gardner syndrome, turcot syndrome, etc) colon cancer can often be cured.

Apart from these, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer Familial Syndrome (Lynch syndrome), an inherited disorder of the body's cells in the renewal of the division of protective genes in the cell nucleus as a result of inherited disorder that fixes the errors in the mid-40s, especially located on the right side of the colon (ascending colon, shooting) bowel cancer is common.

Family history of colon cancer in family, smoking, being overweight, or you yourself have a history of polyps in the family, lack of Exercise, consumption of vegetables is less, consume large amounts of alcohol (45gr/day and more) high-fat, high-protein and low-fiber Western-type diet are among the risk factors for bowel cancer.

Aspirin and /or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the consumption of dairy products and vegetables and consume regularly reduces the risk of hormone therapy in women.

The large bowel affected by ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, chronic skin disease such as inflammation bowel disease in the degree of involvement, duration, and 10 years after the person's regular cases going untreated, increasing the risk of colon cancer.”

What is the diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer?

A careful patient history, physical examination, complete blood count, biochemical tests in the diagnosis of the first methods who stated that Dr. Aytug, “the gold standard in the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer colonoscopy a flexible tube with a camera called the tip-shaped device (colonoscopy) through the anus by entering the entire colon is displayed in detailed format.

Take a biopsy of suspect and identified with this method, suggesting the formation of cancer, called polyps, the formation of a large percentage of non-surgical be extracted as is possible. Colonoscopy and biopsy to assess the degree of propagation of lymph nodes detected by means of Computed Tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scanning methods such as PET are used.

The gold standard in the treatment of many other cancers as in colon cancer, surgical treatment. Laparoscopic surgical treatment also affects the bowel in which the tumor section. If the segments in the left half of the colon is afflicted from the top and from the bottom of the tumor tissue tumor of the bowel determined a safe limit and only partial or in some cases, a long section is removed (segmental resection).

The horizontal portion of the intestine called the transverse colon tumours seated in the right side or the whole of the adjacent part of the transverse Colon and the right colon or the left side in the middle of the section close to the much larger part of the small intestine the colon is removed and the three remaining duly connects.

Rectal cancer the rectum a tumor in the rectum to completely cancel and leave a safety margin if placed too closely to part of the tumor is removed and the intestine to be permanently sewn to the abdominal wall (colostomy), the patient's to do with the way the bag of feces.

Long-term blockage of the tumor tissue post symptoms sufficient distance although it is the last portion of the large intestine at the top and bottom diameter difference of the diameters, it shows in ways that are incompatible with each other, or if the bowel require a colostomy in cases of temporary opening of the intestine that may require urgent opening dirty. Then the majority of these cases, the colostomy is closed and the end of the intestine, through the anus upon the patient's standing at the firm, remaining with him is guaranteed to defecate,” he said.

A large percentage of tumors of the large intestine is resistant to radiation therapy called radiotherapy, noting that Dr. ömer Necip Aytuğ, said:
“For this reason, in the path of radiation therapy the conventional treatment protocol is not used. Built in the intestinal part called the rectum in the case of bowel cancer, surgical treatment of the tumor before radiation therapy with complete excision of the tumor increase the chance of the patient then the process of downsizing.

Surgical treatment of the tumor while it is being removed intestinal segment according to the placement of bowel within the abdomen that are located in specific regions around and at the same time the lymph nodes are also removed in the body and other abdominal organs, the abdominal membrane has spread beyond the margins and whether or not the eye is controlled by. Is stuck in the bowel wall and the surrounding tumor to the lymph nodes or has spread to other organs surgery and additional treatment is not performed periodically if treatment is not sufficient and the patient clinical, biochemical ( tumor markers), radiological (CT, MRI, pet, etc.) and Endoscopy (colonoscopy) is monitored with methods.

In the case of bowel tumor detection in lymph glands and other organs or environmental, patients called chemotherapy, tumor growth suppressing, tumor's ability to replicate the jump that prevents or reduces the possibility of dividing cells composed of a combination of drugs that inhibit chemotherapy protocols are applied and patient monitoring with the methods mentioned above are taken.

It extends the life span of patients, although 5-year tumor stage is low. Endoscopic or surgically removed polyp has been removed, and yet the initial state is detected in many low-grade colon cancer 5-year survival 90 percent of the time, the decade is over. Advanced stage colon cancer, the percentage is close to 10's.”
