Results for "child abduction facts"
Important notice from the police
Important notice from the police!

Cases of abducted children and to prevent child abductions and disappearances in the name of making it easy to find the California police sounded an important warning to the families of.
police,police important,child abduction
important notice from the police (image 1)

The police in California, especially in crowded environments to prevent the disappearance or abduction of children, families warned of vital importance. Of course, this warning for parents is available in all countries...

Especially in summer, families who want children to move about freely in the streets, flock to parks and playing fields. But here, especially the kids waiting for there are dangers.

Child abduction movements and to prevent their disappearance, this situation is found quickly to ensure that the importance of children exposed to a variety of must take. Here are one of them, California, police announced via social media.

Arm your children before you go outside (visible) and enter your phone number to prevent the deletion, liquid Band-Aid to apply.
police,police important,child abduction
important notice from the police (image 2)

For ease of identification of the clothes on your child before you leave the house take a picture.

Police release more times than 24.000 reached acclaim these tips on your social media pages.
