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Causes Of Halitosis

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Causes Of Halitosis ( image-1 )
Causes Of Halitosis
Halitosis , the medical term for bad breath. Bad breath is corrected by taking various measures, although not completely without solving the real problem the smell of the mouth that causes bad breath. Let's talk about the reasons that cause bad breath;
Poor Oral Hygiene
The residues of the food we eat and beverages we drink every day, and plaque build up on the teeth and the formation of between the teeth causes. This food waste creates a suitable environment for bacterial growth. Bacteria, causes tooth decay and bad breath.
Intraoral prosthesis uses in the accumulation of nutrients, prosthesis, and also as a result of bacterial as cause, causes bad breath. By brushing our teeth twice a day for at least two minutes helps to remove food residues and accumulated between the teeth. Language plays an important role in the clearance of bacteria brushing your teeth while brushing. The cleansing of dentures, it is necessary to get rid of the smell of the mouth.
causes of halitosis,causes of halitosis in children,halitosis
Causes Of Halitosis ( image-2 )

Certain foods in the stomach and intestines from the bloodstream after digestion and absorption through the lungs can cause smelly breath. In addition, some of the nutrients, leaving the sharp smell a bad odor in the mouth causes bad breath. Garlic, onions, curry, alcohol, such as cheese, food, beverages, and spices that causes bad breath. Even with careful oral hygiene, the mouth of these nutrients except for the smell in the air coming from the lungs causes a bad odor. It may take until the bad smell of food completely away from the body. This can take up to 72 hours long.
Smoking also is an important reason that causes bad breath and poor oral hygiene.
Dental Problems
External issues is one of the major causes of bad breath. Tooth decay, dental abscesses, gum such as inflammation of the tooth and gum problems caused by bad mouth smell.
Other Medical Conditions
General health problems and diseases also causes bad breath. Sinus infections, runny nose, and postnasal drip can cause bad breath. People with kidney failure may have breath that smells like urine. Like a fish in mouth odor may have liver failure. Chronic acid reflux, stomach problems can cause bad breath. Diabetes (diabetes) in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis caused by uncontrolled diabetes may have a fruity odor of the breath in the table.
