Results for "canker sores on tongue"

canker sores,canker sores causes,canker sores on tongue
Canker sores ( image-1 )
  Canker sores,in the mouth, are white, yellow or light gray color are the ulcers. Canker sores, known as fever blisters. Canker sores are not contagious and mostly the language side, in the inner part of the cheek and the lip occurs. 2 times more in women than in men is frequently seen.It is not known exactly why it occurs. But age,heredity,stress, food allergies, poor nutrition, weakening of the immune system are believed to play a role in the development of risk factors such as aft.
canker sores,causes,canker sore problem
Canker Sores ( image-2 )

 Canker sores (canker), without any treatment,heal of oneself within five days a week. But caused of canker sores, burning and pain some treatments that you can apply on your own at home, you can reduce problems that may impair.
Natural Remedies For Canker Sores:
Caused of canker sores, burning, irritation, pain, swelling, you can apply at home to ease ailments such as I want to share with you some suggestions below:
-Natural honey apply on canker sores.The acceleration of the healing process and reduction of complaints to apply two-three times a day. Honey in the healing of forgiveness with both anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties helpful in the relief of property and complaints.
-Aloe vera leaf or aloe vera gel is highly effective in the elimination or alleviation of pain.Repeat once or twice a day until recovery.
-Tea contains tannins that help in the healing of wounds and reduce the pain of canker sores. Apply wet tea bag on the canker sores for a few minutes.
-Apple cider vinegar is another effective method in relieving the pain of canker sores.During the day,often you can apply.
-The vinegar may initially cause more pain, but the effectiveness in relieving the pain of canker sores.
-Baking powder is one of natural treatments also the canker sores.You can apply baking powder directly onto canker sores, you can create a paste with water and baking powder application.
-You can apply salt directly canker sores. This can be very painful. Alternatively, you can shuffle your mouth with a solution made with salt water twice a day.
