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The body is covered with cadaver skin
The body is covered with cadaver skin,cadaver skin definition,cadaver skin meaning
The body is covered with cadaver skin (image 1)
The body is covered with cadaver skin

The young girl's body named Alexandra Hollingsworth 52% of the doctors went down, the body covered with the skin of the deceased donor. According to the news published in the Daily Mail, the 18-year-old girl's body was burning with a dangerous fire playing a game of alcohol.

His body was 52% of Alexandra had more than 20 skin transplantation operation. Using the meat from the legs, arms, legs, back and abdomen on a skin graft was performed. On the chest skin from cadavers was used.

Alexandra, "I don't know who the donors are. I felt weird at first because it was darker than my skin tone, but I think as long as someone doesn't ask. In fact, I am grateful because I needed this. I'm very happy my body to accept the transplant."

The fire that took place in 2010 at the young girl's life changed. Alexandra, brother David and his cousin, Benjamin, was home while their mothers are at work playing with matches and alcohol. Had learned from a friend to make a fire with alcohol. A day in the flames of the fire got out of control and Alexandra was left with a bang.

The shock a young girl who had her mother's room, ran to the top, tried to remove but was a little afraid to face. Brother tried to extinguish the flames with blankets. Cousin were struggling to escape unscathed as several had burns on his brother's body.
The body is covered with cadaver skin,cadaver skin definition,cadaver skin meaning
The body is covered with cadaver skin (image 2)

Alexandra, she felt like she was melting the skin and eyes. She saw herself in a mirror while running away from home. Arms had been shattered, his skin was shaking. Taken to the emergency room, Alexandra fell into a coma and woke up several days later.

He shaved his hair to make sure it is not either of the scalp Doctors, and his entire body wrapped in bandages. Young girl was in the hospital for 2 months. Alexandra depressed, you can't look yourself in the mirror, she felt like a monster. Even contemplated suicide. For 3 years he had unbearable nightmares. However, the hair starts to grow again when it began to feel good about yourself.

Alexandra, now is using this horrible experience to help others. Like himself as a volunteer for helping fire victims.
