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Causes of bloody urine

Causes of bloody urine

What are the causes of the emergence of the bloody urine? Bloody urine, which is the preview of diseases? If you have blood in your urine what should you do? Every answer here.
bloody urine,bloody urine cause,bloody urine treatment
Causes of bloody urine (image 1)

Bloody urine can happen in one of two ways. The first one cannot be seen with the naked eye and only made with the analysis is understood. The second form in the urine that is red or pink in color can be seen with the eye.

In the second figure is divided into three. In the first, the urine exits the first bloody, then the blood is cut.

In the second, constant red color in the urine. In the third, the symptoms eventually a few drops of blood comes. All of these is the preview of various diseases. Bloody urine, kidney stones, inflammation, or tumor could be a sign.

In the first type, the beginning when you came in bleeding from the bladder at the end of the tube. If you have bleeding from the beginning until the end of your urine, from the bladder or kidney may be indicate problems again has to do. If bleeding is caused by pain would be kidney stones.
bloody urine,bloody urine cause,bloody urine treatment
Causes of bloody urine (image 2)

If you have bleeding, if the third type, so if it comes at the end of the urine a few drops of blood, this in men with prostate problems, cystitis in women is a preview of.

In women with cystitis, the inability to fully empty bladder and having to urinate constantly. It can cause blood in the urine with cystitis.
