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If you drink aspirin twice a week ...
aspirin,aspirin dosage,aspirin drink
If you drink aspirin twice a week ...(image 1)
If you drink aspirin twice a week ...
In these days where it is spoken of the relationship between cancer with aspirin,a bond was revealed. Aspirin reduces death rates from cancer.

Add that to a list the evidence for the benefits of aspirin in the fight against cancer. 47 according to a study that analyzes the results of the survey, low-dose ASA be taken to reduce the risk of disease not only cancer-related death risk reduced by 20%. However, the wand is connected to the risk of internal bleeding should not be ignored.

Aspirin medicine for a long time with cancer of the relationship is on the agenda. Scientific studies suggest that regular aspirin use at the beginning of the intestine, including several types of shows that is effective in prevention and treatment.

For example, March 2016 published in the Journal of Oncology by Jama and results of the research on 136 thousand people, twice a week regularly aspirin cancer risk drinkers and 3% revealed a decrease.

According to the results of extensive research conducted in the Netherlands in September 2015, aspirin, the treatment time is about two times the lifespan of cancer patients by boosting the stomach or intestines.

Research scientists from the Institute of Francis Crick dated again in London 2015, including aspirin, may prevent cancer cells hide from the immune system indicating that were.

Aspirin and cancer death risk falls

An article recently published in scientific journals on the treatment of cancer plus one called acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) once again showed the benefit of. According to the study which is the subject of the article, low-dose ASA to be taken and also reduces the risk of developing cancer and cancer-related death risk by 20%, reduces the average rate.

The results of the aforementioned studies’evaluating medical oncologist Dr. Canfeza Sezgin, drew attention to the role of aspirin in the war on cancer, but warned that it could cause bleeding in some people take aspirin regularly.

"Stopping the spread of cancer cells"

Prof.Sezgin the work of the assessment of the results is as follows: “for 5 years the researchers of aspirin breast, prostate and colon cancer patients and examined the effect of the subject area 47 is made of good quality research. After the completion of cancer treatment while also examining the effects of aspirin use, the placebo effect was evaluated. reduction of mortality after cancer aspirin to inhibit the spread of cancer and ultimately in the direction of the findings were reached.”
aspirin,aspirin dosage,aspirin drink
If you drink aspirin twice a week ...(image 2)

"There is a need for more detailed studies"

“But this is necessary to understand whether the usual types are more effective on detailed studies,” said prof. by the Sezgin, although an old drug, aspirin, continues to maintain its place among the most important remedies of the last century.
The other studies on the subject in recent years that are described, referring to said, “very low-dose ASA to reduce the rates of cancer are known, while the contribution in the reduction of cancer deaths was not clear. This large study, which was published last week, uncertainty favor of aspirin by disrupting the medical treatment of cancer, as well as low-dose ASA use and cancer-related death in both men and women in the rate of spread of 15% to 20 showed that reduced. Therefore, the researchers proposes to appropriate patients in addition to ASA treatment. The ratio is almost equal to the gains obtained by obtained medical treatment,” he said.

Very significant benefit provided cheap drugs

By sezgin Prof. this work is promising, but further studies to verify these results and other evidence needs to be obtained regarding the effect of cancer types. Sezgin, provided the benefit of cheap drugs such as aspirin is important, and could be used to help in the treatment of various cancers, he say.

Pay attention to the risk of internal bleeding!

Created by pointing out the risk of internal bleeding the use of aspirin, intuition, research in this situation were also evaluated, he said, “ultimately, studies of low-dose ASA use through life-threatening bleeding that was not observed. Oncology patients with cancer who take aspirin primarily by talking about the potential risks and benefits with your doctor must make a decision,” he said.
