To breathe like a child, keeps it out of concern!

breathe like a child,breathe like a child keeps it out of concern
To breathe like a child, keeps it out of concern! (image 1)
To breathe like a child, keeps it out of concern!
Only a few minutes of the day you can beat stress and anxiety with exercise. According to experts, infants and children to be happy and carefree breathing from the abdomen. The only way it could be quiet and peaceful away from the stress and anxiety adults re-breathe from the abdomen, like when we were kids.
Head of Department of physiotherapy and rehabilitation Assoc. Dr.Defne Kaya proper breathing and give your body the oxygen it needs to get only as well as with the ethics that helped to be calm and peaceful she said.
Assoc.Dr.Defne Kaya “they will breathe from the abdomen in infants and children more often. They are happy, carefree, joyful and stress-free have been why. With chest breathing, we can start making puberty. This means that abdominal breathing be taken out of our hands,” she said.
breathe like a child,breathe like a child keeps it out of concern
To breathe like a child, keeps it out of concern! (image 2)
Assoc. Dr.Defne Kaya to breathe correctly listed what it does: put your hand on your belly. Each inhale in through your nose and inflate your abdomen. If there's swelling, don't be afraid how much far better it will be. If you think that is completely swollen, the air whistle with your mouth in your abdomen as you exhale.
Initially try to give you eight seconds (four seconds of breaths you take. By increasing the amount of time you can continue two times.
If they have learned to breathe from the belly these exercises standing, sitting in a chair, lying on your back you can do. Do not choose clothes that prevent you from breathing while doing this.
If you sleeping on your back, with your arms slightly to the side. You can keep your legs straight by bending at your knees you can put your feet on the floor.
If you live, place your arms on the edge of the chair. Your feet fully on the floor and chair to support your back in the position to do the exercises loose.
If standing, your feet give equal weight to both your leg and your hips wide open.

As the child of abdominal respiration that remind unwittingly done this exercise, and it will become a habit that transfers Assoc.Dr.Defne Kaya “repeat this exercise 3-5 times per day. Doing household chores, walking, studying, at work, in a meeting, on vacation, soaking up the sun in short, while implement this method in every moment of your life,” she said.

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