For the benefit of the patient to be told of a cancer diagnosis!

benefit of the patient told,told of a cancer diagnosis
cancer diagnosis (image 1)
For the benefit of the patient to be told of a cancer diagnosis!
Specialist clinical psychologist Sırma Palademir , for the benefit of the patient to know the disease, he said.Palademir, "research talk about the disease, people are able to express their feelings and being able to contribute positively to the challenges of living with cancer and to share the emotional burden of the patient by reducing the cope was the first one to provide a mental relaxation," he said.
Said and unsaid is that the cancer patient is still a subject of debate, while expert clinical Palademir, for the benefit of the patient to know the disease, he said.Palademir, "research talk about the disease, people are able to express their feelings and being able to contribute positively to the challenges of living with cancer and to share the emotional burden of the patient by reducing the cope was the first one to provide a mental relaxation," he said.
Specialist clinical psychologist Sırma Palademir, which is one of the most common diseases of age of cancer, both the patient and relatives in terms of physiological, psychological and social process that requires a treatment that gives rise to various difficulties indicated. The process of treatment surgery /radiotherapy/ chemotherapy/ drug treatment, such as can occur through steps, and often long-winded voicing watching Palademir, 2Psiko-Oncology (cancer psychology) noted that it is becoming a part of the treatment. At the time of cancer diagnosis, who stated that Palademir of the surface mostly negative emotions is inevitable, he said:

benefit of the patient told,told of a cancer diagnosis
cancer diagnosis (image 2)
"The diagnosis with anxiety, fear, and emotions are triggered when people are forced to deal with them such as anxiety, anger often feels. Cancer vary from person to person depending on the characteristics of the treatment plan, but generally the flow of the patient's daily life, functionality, professional life, family life, sexual life, diet, relationships and have direct impact on social life.

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