Dreams what does that tell you?

Dreams what does that tell you,what does your dream tell us,what does your dream you
Dreams what does that tell you? (image 1)
Dreams what does that tell you?
Sometimes when you told your dream to someoneit's been on your superior!”, you may have heard them referred to as. It's unknown if this word have emerged by chance, but scientists are open to catch up on REM sleep in which the sleeper, dreaming of the time they say that you grow due to a temperature drop of.

Istanbul Bilim University, faculty member of Department of Physiology and experimental surgery practice and Research Center Director Asst. Assoc. From a scientific perspective with Dr. Oytun Erbaş we looked into the mysterious world of sleep and dreams.

What is sleep?

Sleep, wasted energy during the day, the re-introduction of a mechanism working for as we can think. Sleep is a state of rest, and every living thing sleeps. This is required for both the brain and all other organs. Creatures sleep needs vary. Babies of the day %80-85% while asleep as they get older, this requirement to 20% goes down.

Which sleep occurs in phases.

Sleep, non - REM and REM consists of two periods. REM (rapid eye movement) rapid eye movement (non - REM eye movements in the absence of these. When you close your eyes first non-REM sleep. Non - REM 1,2,3,4-shaped deepens. As sleep deepens, brain activity slows, brain energy consumption is reduced. Non – REM sleep is seen in a state of very deep 4 in. This deep sleep “coma”, a phrase close to the situation as a sleep. This non - REM 4, the stage of sleep that allows the rest of us. Sleep until the morning non - REM as 4-3-2-1 then 1-2-3-4 again as yuzeysellesir. In the same way the brain's energy needs decreases and increases. Each non - REM after REM. At this stage we dream the “REM” phase. Loop happen 5 times until this morning.

When they say people are awakened during REM sleep, dreaming, NON - dream awakened during REM sleep they said they had not seen. Therefore, here was seen in the REM phase of your dreams we understand that. Still a kind of seizure disorder is inhibited in REM sleep all the muscles so that we can say. If that weren't the case and the situation we used to live dreams physically. For instance, if someone is chasing you in your dream while you sleep you'd get up and start running. Even in his dreams sometimes you want to escape you cannot run away from the event or person yell at you you'll see. The reason to cause this situation that does not work the muscles at that time.

How much sleep are we dreaming?

Preemie sleep and 80% in REM sleep, the dream passes. Normal newborns sleep all the time 50% of adults, 20% with having a dream. From birth to death is reduced as the need to sleep, the dream is also reduced. Older non - REM sleep and in deep sleep we call 4 we start to get more superficial. Non - REM Stage 4, slows the heartbeat, reduces oxygen demand.
Dreams what does that tell you,what does your dream tell us,what does your dream you
Dreams what does that tell you? (image 2)

What's happening in the brain when you dream?

To sleep, so non - REM dalind oxygen to the brain when sugar consumption is reduced. Opposite to REM sleep. Oxygen and sugar consumption is higher in the brain when you dream and brain is active, works as in daily life. But in dreams, the conscious part of the brain that we call prefrontal cortex, which does not work. For this reason, in dreams, morality, reward, punishment, and social situations there are rules that regulate. In dreams, the part of our brain called the amygdala is active. The amygdala, is responsible for the supervision of emotions, including fear.

Can we say that psychotherapy is also a dream?

Yes, we can say that. As a mechanism to face. They appear in your subconscious dreams, the things that you threw. Within days some people not to be affected or events that you think your subconscious can be a pain. Forgotten or are not aware of consciously that you do or like you're not impressed, under these circumstances, in your dream, comes to the surface again.

5-6 are the subject of one dream in the world. The loss of these teeth, fly, take a test unprepared, panic, have an accident, make naked (shy). No matter where you're from in the world how many people sees similar dreams more often. We call it “collective consciousness”.

What would happen if we didn see the dream?

People great difficulties. For instance, the death of a loved one in your dream you see. This actually is faced with the death of your loved one. Think about the death of a loved one is disturbing to you when you're awake, but when you are awake in the prefrontal cortex calms these thoughts immediately. When you enter the dream that night but I keep thinking of that person that is at that time with ease because you see this idea in the prefrontal cortex is disabled. In the prefrontal cortex is not working to you because at that moment “no, my dear, why are you dead, safe and sound guy, is there a problem to say” there is a mechanism.

Sometimes messy and irrelevant dreams, you can see the images. The reason for this is an activity that occurs in the brain. This activity during that time, brain scans, you can see a mix of things, hence uncorrelated. But in general you experienced that day the dream of many belonging to the event, or you need to attend to considerations of face. This solution can be thought of as a mechanism, because, fears, challenges solution.

Someone commiserate with how people relax, the face also relaxes, and allows you to find the solution. A clearer confrontation experienced in the dream because your conscious brain is not working. That you don't really want to work with your colleagues, in your dream, you are likely to see you killed.

The environment we sleep, environmental factors affect our dreams?

Body temperature drops when people dream. For people who dream the dream to prolong the duration of the longer exposure to cold have been observed. When you told your dream among the people said, “it's been on your superior!” and from here can be removed. If you can see if you sleep on the dream for a longer time.

Dreams are a harbinger of the future? Is he really getting out our dreams?

In fact, many of you will see some of them remember the dream you don't remember most of it. But when it experiences an event within days, if you've seen this event in one of those dreams, “that there's my dream” you say. Choose from thousands of images that we see here, you can remember a dream. We call it selective perception.

Are there other effects of dreams?

Dream, hold for 30 seconds, 4 minutes can be seen in the various periods. You may remember the last dream you saw probably in the morning. Also, it was seen that in the course of REM sleep increased sleep after working people. The REM phase of learning provides. If you do the course work, the information will be saved in the memory. Because of this reason it is not recommended to sleep after the traumatic events of a bad situation by providing the REM phase increases the likelihood of recall in future learning. Sleep in the brain amygdala is running on and creates the feeling because it is located right next to saves this data in the hippocampus. Here is the record of emotion improves memory.

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